Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm so mad I could chew nails and spit rust!!!

Now, normally I would just refer you to read my girly Amy's blog she shares with her husband Scott, enjoy the funky new world of India, or is it the old world of India? Anyway, I've just read the practices of the schools where they were 'educating' her children in India and I'm, well, hot!! I'm irate!! I worry about the conditions in American schools but at the very least we attempt to provide a humane environment for our children to learn, if not the best in learning materials. If you read her school entry below you'll see why I'm livid, and I just want to go up to every Indian who had to go through their school system and give them a comforting hug. There is enough punishment in this world without inflicting it on our children in a learning environment.

Amy and Scott have decided to home school their children and, while I usually groan at the mention of home schooling, I'm 300% behind it if this is the care, or lack thereof, the schools of India take in educating their children! Pfft!!

1 comment:

Mr. Smith said...

Breathe In....And Out....And In....And Ouuuuut. Now, go find chocolate.